Harrodsburg, KY Restoration Services
What does Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Lexington Inc do? Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Lexington Inc offers several essential cleanup and restoration services in Harrodsburg that are performed by talented professionals who have years of experience in this industry. These restoration services are able to take almost any property that has been hit by a disaster and return it to the way it was previously. We’re able to respond in record time by using the latest tools you can find in Harrodsburg.
- Flood Damage Cleanup
- Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration
- Mold Remediation
- Storm Damage Restoration
- Contents Cleaning
- Structural Reconstruction
Just call the number above or click the “Get Help Now” button to receive help from the team at Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Lexington Inc. In a few hours, we’ll be at your property, ready to get to work.